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Bio-CARE®In Jupiter, FL

Look Younger In Just 90 Minutes

Bio-CARE® Signature Treatment | Jupiter, FL

Bio-CARE is exclusively available at CARE Esthetics clinics, the most sophisticated natural regenerative esthetics therapy. Non-surgical and natural technologies were used to restore the skin's youthful radiance while treating facial issues in our trademark treatment. Consultations with Bio-CARE help assess how our innovative medical technology can speed up your facial rejuvenation process. Dr. Richard Miron developed the Center for Advanced Rejuvenation and Esthetics, one of the fastest-growing facial esthetic clinics in the United States. CARE Esthetics has teamed up with more than a hundred medical specialists and plastic surgeons to provide you with the most cutting-edge innovations in face esthetics. At our flagship location in Jupiter Bio-CARE therapy is available and can significantly impact the health of your skin. Schedule your consultation today.

What is Bio-CARE®?

Exclusively in Jupiter, Care Esthetics has developed an all-in-one skin care therapy, the Bio-CARE application, that addresses a variety of skin concerns without invasive surgery or procedures. We developed a five-step therapy that uses cutting-edge technology to reverse aging in the most natural of ways. Benefits of laser therapy and PRF treatments are combined in Bio-CARE. With the addition of Fotona's Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser, Intra-Oral laser therapy, Lip laser therapy, and laser peels, Bio-CARE enhances skin rejuvenation significantly.

What are the benefits of Bio-CARE®?

Bio-CARE is an excellent option for anyone who chooses not to undergo invasive surgical procedures to treat their skin concerns. The following advantages of our Bio-CARE Therapy include increased collagen production, firmer, smoother skin, and improved appearance of acne scars, dark spots, and rosacea.

Am I a good candidate for Bio-CARE®?

People of all ages and skin types may use Bio-CARE. Our process is safe for you if you have allergies or autoimmune disorders since we use only natural Bio fillers made from your own body. In addition, our Bio-LIFT Treatment is an ideal way to get rid of signs of aging and restore a more youthful appearance!

Jupiter bio care model with brown hair

Your Bio-CARE® Treatment

Bio-CARE is a five-step method that is completely natural and devoid of chemical additives. Everyone who comes to CARE Esthetics will be provided with a unique treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. Your Bio-CARE Treatment session includes:

Step One: Intra-Oral Laser Therapy & Lip Laser Therapy

A novel laser treatment procedure is used in the initial phase to induce collagen regeneration to your mouth, chin, and lips. Using heat to penetrate deep into these areas helps improve their appearance. It is an essential step in restoring skin elasticity and developing fuller lips.

Step Two: Laser Peeling

The second stage involves laser peeling utilizing Fotona's micro-laser peel, a versatile process that can be customized to address your skin concerns and aesthetic goals. For example, using a peeling procedure to promote skin renewal may treat pigmentation and texture issues while also decreasing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and visible pores.

Step Three: Microneedling with PRF

One of the most popular procedures for aging skin is our signature microneedling with PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin). In the third stage, PRF is extracted from a tiny blood sample and injected into your skin via micro-punctures generated by the DermaPen. This procedure encourages the growth of new blood vessels, increasing collagen synthesis and the regeneration of new skin.

Step Four: Customized Bio-Fillers

The fourth stage may differ from one patient to another based on the areas that need treatment. In this procedure, we extract PRF from your blood and heat-treat it to dramatically improve its active component. This results in a 100 percent natural, injectable bio-filler that may be injected. The fact that this filler is generated from your own PRF means that your body will not be exposed to any foreign compounds or chemicals that may cause severe allergic reactions.

Step Five: Removal of Moles, Veins, and Age Spots

Skin growths such as moles, veins, and age spots may be unsightly and uncomfortable, mainly if they are on your face. As a result, we will remove them at no charge at the conclusion of your Bio-CARE therapy session.

Bio-CARE® Recovery & Results

You can expect some redness post-treatment. However, it will subside within 48 hours. Depending on how your skin reacts to the therapy, you may see considerable changes as soon as one week.

Jupiter bio care model smiling

Schedule your Jupiter Bio-CARE® consultation with CARE Esthetics today.

With expert skin rejuvenation medical professionals and state-of-the-art technology, you can place your trust in CARE Esthetics to guide you on your aesthetic journey to looking and feeling your best. Our Bio-LIFT and Bio-CARE treatments were created to address a variety of skin concerns, mainly those associated with the signs of aging. These therapies are available only at CARE facilities located around the country. Schedule your consultation today!

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Bio-CARE®Frequently Asked Questions

Your treatments should not be uncomfortable. However, since each patient's pain and discomfort tolerance varies, we ask for input during and after your treatment. This allows us to create the ideal treatment plan for their skin.

The PRF collected from your blood does not introduce any foreign or chemical substance into your skin—which means you are unlikely to experience any adverse side effects or allergic reactions.

If Bio-CARE is suitable for you, it will be determined during your appointment with your provider based on an evaluation of your aesthetic concerns. Information about treatment options and associated expenses will be provided to you at this point. Depending on the severity of your issues or the number of treatments needed, the price of our signature service may vary.

Medical insurance does not cover Bio-CARE because it is considered a cosmetic treatment.

Schedule a Consultation Today

You take care of your body each day by making good choices in what you eat and do. CARE Esthetics can harness your body’s natural healing power to rejuvenate your body and preserve your health and appearance. Schedule a consultation today.

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